General dentistry

We provide high-quality treatment in a modern and caring environment, offering a full range of general dentistry services from regular examinations (monitoring teeth, gums and any signs of oral cancer) and general dental maintenance (e.g. fillings) to extractions and emergency treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does ‘general dentistry’ include?

At Cuckfield Dental Practice, we consider general dentistry to include regular examinations (monitoring teeth, gums and any signs of oral cancer) and general dental maintenance (e.g. fillings) to extractions and emergency treatment.

What is the difference between ‘general’ and ‘cosmetic’ dentistry?
General dentistry seeks to both prevent infection or functional problems from developing with your teeth, and to repair damage which has already occurred. Cosmetic dentistry (whitening, straightening etc) is usually non-essential for functionality, but makes your teeth look nicer!
Is a general anaesthetic ever used in dentistry today?
Very rarely nowadays, and never in dental surgeries. This is because of the safety and effectiveness of ‘conscious sedation’, which lets you be aware of what the dentist is doing and able to respond to instructions whilst feeling relaxed, comfortable and without pain. The vast majority of even the most anxious of dental patients respond excellently to this far less risky form of anaesthesia. 


Perhaps the most important aspect of the hygienist’s work is showing you how best to keep your teeth free of plaque and your gums healthy – how to establish a really good oral health regime.

Our hygienists will give advice on what you should use to look after your oral health. They’ll offer dietary suggestions to help you keep your teeth healthier for longer (e.g. reduce your sugar intake). They’ll give your teeth a thorough, professional clean to access areas you find difficult to reach at home – often referred to as a ‘scale and polish’ – and they’ll continually assess your dental hygiene, both visually and through comparative measurements.

Your first hygienist appointment VIDEO  (59 seconds)

Carefully removing deposits that build up on teeth (tartar), and teaching you how to prevent it reforming again, will go a long way towards slowing the progress of gum disease. Our hygienists work closely with the dentists to provide high quality care tailored to your specific, individual needs, and we recommend that you see them at least once every 3 to 6 months, depending on the condition of your gums.

You can get more information, or book an appointment, through our reception desk.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a dental hygienist?
A hygienist is a highly qualified dental professional whose job it is to help keep your teeth and gums healthy. They offer advice on diet and cleaning your teeth, scale and polish your teeth, and treat the symptoms of early stage and minor gum disease.
What does a hygienist do to your teeth?
Your hygienist will check around your teeth and gums for any signs of gingivitis (inflamed gums) or other potential concerns. They’ll then use a scaler to get rid of plaque and tartar around your gum line, as well as in between your teeth. After your teeth are completely tartar-free, the hygienist brushes them with a high-powered electric brush using a gritty toothpaste which polishes them.
Do hygienist treatments hurt?
No, though scaling your teeth can be mildly uncomfortable around a particularly sensitive tooth or tender area of gum. 
Can the hygienist remove stains?
When your teeth are cleaned to remove plaque deposits, the process will gently remove biofilm, surface stains, to leave your teeth smooth, bright and clean. This will not change the overall colour of your teeth in the way that tooth whitening will.
How often should you see a dental hygienist?
We recommend that our patients see the hygienist at least once every six months. In certain cases, the hygienist may advise increasing this to once every three months until your teeth and gums reach a more healthy level.
Do I need to see a dental hygienist?
Yes, we believe all our patients should see our hygienist regularly in order to maintain good oral health. Daily brushing and interdental cleaning is not enough to reach the hidden areas where tartar and plaque can build up.
Can you see a dental hygienist on the NHS?
Yes. If your dentist says scaling is clinically required, this is available on the NHS. 
What toothpaste do dental hygienists use?
After scaling your teeth, the hygienist uses a flavoured toothpaste made of pumice and usually a tiny amount of fluoride – a little coarser  than regular toothpaste – to polish them. 
Is the hygienist free if you’re pregnant?
Generally speaking no, not as a private patient. But if your dentist says scaling is clinically required, it is available free to pregnant women on the NHS. 

Children’s Club

Here at Cuckfield Dental Practice, we have a unique children’s dental club. The aim of Children’s Club is to ensure that your child’s first experiences of dental care are thoroughly positive… and fun!

Through a variety of games and educational learning, and through involving you parents, we teach them how to brush correctly, look after their teeth and make healthy food choices, right from the start. Vitally too, by joining in at an early age and having fun, your children should grow up finding the environment of the dentist’s surgery a comfortable rather than a daunting one.

Children’s Club gives your children a really sound grounding in the all-important preventative measures that will give them the best possible start for a healthy dental future. Any children are welcome; the sessions are individual as opposed to group, and we adjust our content to accommodate an age diversity from teething babies to young teenagers by tailoring all appointments to your child’s particular needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do private dentists charge for children?
We do, yes, but considerably less than for adults. However at Cuckfield Dental Practice we usually see children on the NHS.
Are children free at the dentists on the NHS?
Yes. If they’re under 18, or under 19 and in full-time education, children get free NHS dental treatment. 
How do dentists fill children's teeth?
We clean away the decay from the tooth and restore it with a white filling. Most fillings on baby teeth can be done without a local anaesthetic.
How often should children go to the dentist?
Ideally, children should come for a check-up every 6 months, but more frequently if they have any problems with their teeth. 
At what age should you take your child to the dentist?
As soon as they have teeth! Here at Cuckfield Dental Practice, we have a unique children’s dental club, the aim of which is to ensure that your child’s first experiences of dental care are thoroughly positive… and fun! 

Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent, long-lasting treatment for replacing missing or failing teeth, and securing removable dentures. They can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or even all of your teeth. They restore the joy of eating an unrestricted diet and, for many people, they lead to greatly increased self-confidence.
For the very best implant advice and treatment, we are delighted to be able to refer patients to our colleagues at The Implant Centre (Hove and Haywards Heath) – widely considered one of the finest specialist implant practices in the UK.


Endodontics (root canal treatment) – although sometimes challenging and complex to carry out – is a safe, effective and highly successful way of saving an infected tooth.

The root canal is the hollow within a tooth containing soft tissue, or pulp (blood vessels and nerve tissue), which can become infected through decay or injury. Left untreated, infected pulp tissue will result in the eventual loss of your tooth. As well as being very painful, it may also spread to the surrounding bone, causing an abscess to form. Successful Endodontic treatment will eliminate the pain and save your tooth – potentially for a lifetime.

We remove the inflamed pulp in the root canal and then clean the root canal system to prevent infection from coming back. When we’re sure that all of the infection has cleared, we permanently fill the root canal and restore the repaired tooth with a crown. This will protect the tooth from fracture and make it easier to use and clean.

Dr Agi Tarnowski and Dr Simon Quelch are both additionally trained and highly experienced in this field, and our investment in the latest equipment further facilitates these often complex treatments here. Indeed we accept endodontics referral patients from other local dental professionals and are proud to have been awarded an NHS contract for advanced restoration and endodontics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is root canal treatment?
The root canal is a hollow within your tooth containing blood vessels and nerves (pulp). If this becomes infected it can be very painful and, if left untreated, can lead to the loss of the tooth. With root canal treatment, we safely and effectively remove the infected pulp, fill the cavity and restore your tooth with a crown. This eliminates the pain and saves the tooth – potentially for a lifetime.
How long does root canal treatment take?
Typically nowadays a root canal treatment can be done in just one appointment, although more complex ones can sometimes require two or even three visits.
How much is root canal treatment?
We charge private patients from £340 to £600, depending on the complexity of the procedure.
Is root canal treatment painful?
Performed under local anaesthetic, root canal treatment should give you no more discomfort than having a filling.
How long does it take for a root canal treatment to settle down?
Teeth which have been root canal treated can be quite sensitive to chewing or biting pressure for a few days. You would normally expect them to settle down completely within 2 or 3 weeks.
How successful is root canal treatment?
It’s fair to say that most root canal treatments have a high (around 90%) success rate, although there can be no absolute guarantees as there are so many variables. These include the overall condition of your tooth, the number and configuration of roots, and the effectivenesss of your post-treatment oral health regime.
Why is root canal treatment expensive?
Because it is a relatively complex procedure that requires a high level of dental expertise and costly materials, especially with a crown being required to complete the tooth restoration.
Do I need root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment is only needed when dental X-rays show that the pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection. The pulp will begin to die if it’s infected, allowing the bacteria to then multiply and spread.
What is an endodontic specialist?
Endodontists are dentists who specialise in maintaining teeth through treatment involving the soft inner tissue – the pulp. The word endodontic comes from Greek – ‘endo’ meaning inside, and ‘odont’ meaning tooth.